Enjoy a Spotless Exterior Again
Providing taconite dust removal services in Duluth, MN and Superior, WI
If you've lived in Duluth, MN or Superior, WI for any length of time, you're familiar with the fine dust, dark dust that covers siding, fences and everything else it touches. That's taconite dust, released from the shipping dock and rail station. Twin Port's Pressure Pro's offers specialize pressure washing services in Duluth, MN and Superior, WI that target taconite dust. We'll clear the dust as well as anything else that's dragging down your curb appeal.
If you live in an affected area, BNSF Railway may cover the cost of your taconite dust removal service. Reach out to us today to learn more.
Learn more about the taconite dust removal
You already know that taconite dust buildup is an eyesore. But did you know long-term, high-level exposure could affect your health as well? Don't take any unnecessary chances. Hire Twin Port's Pressure Pro's for taconite dust removal services today.
Our process includes:
- Pressure washing your home to remove dust and other buildup
- Soft washing more delicate materials to avoid damage
- Sending you an invoice, which you can send to the BNSF claims department